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Welkom by:
U moet moontlik oorskakel na 'Desktop View' sodat die skyfievertoning bo -aan die bladsy sigbaar is op sommige mobiele toestelle
Wil u dus 'n skrywer wees?
Na alle waarskynlikheid IS JY REEDS !! U het net iemand nodig wat 'n boek kan maak uit die inhoud wat u reeds geskryf het.
Het u 'n blog?
Het u 'n Facebook -bladsy?
Het u inhoud vir aanlyntydskrifte geskryf?
Hou u 'n elektroniese preeklêer?
Het u 'n elektroniese dokument met u gunsteling resepte daarin?
Skryf jy poësie op jou rekenaar?
Stuur u nuusbriewe per e -pos uit wat die kroniek bevat jou ontmoetings, lewenslesse, Bybelse insigte, ens.?
Wat van enige ander aanlyn of elektronies gestoorde skryfwerk?
As dit die geval is, het u moontlik reeds 'n boek (miskien twee of meer) wat net wag dat iemand u kan help om dit in 'n manuskrip te plaas om dit as 'n e-boek aan 'n uitgewer voor te lê. Miskien selfs formateer dit vir gedrukte publikasie. Miskien selfs net op u eie verkoop of as geskenke aan u finansiële ondersteuners gee!
Ons kan dit doen en ons bied mededingende pryse !!
Die opname sê .....
Sommige statistieke beweer dat u 'n deskundige in u vakgebied is as u al 7 jaar of langer in u gegewe veld is!
"Deurlopend en oorweldigend het die bewyse getoon dat kundiges altyd gemaak word, nie gebore nie." ( Harvard Business Review Julie -Augustus 2007)
Verslae sê dat as u die sewe jaar of meer ervaring het, is daar meer as een miljoen mense wat baat kan vind by u spesifieke ervaring.
Die vooruitskattings toon 'n neiging tot toenemende publikasie/verkope van e-boek en totale boek met 'meer as 5 miljard dollar' tussen 1 Januarie, 2018 en 31 Desember 2021 "alleen. (Statista.com)
Ons spesialiseer daarin om ander te help uitstaan
Ons het 'n drievoudige metode ontwikkel om u te help om u boodskap en kundigheid by die mense wat op u wag, te bring!
Pragtige Kindle Ready PDF- e-boeke met u keuse van kleurskema, voorbladfoto-omslag (ons het tien duisende opsies) of 'n pasgemaakte omslag (u kan een voorsien, of ons kan 'n grafiese ontwerper vir u voltooi), met of sonder foto's/grafieke/grafika wat u verskaf, skakel na enige bladsy of webwerf wat u wil (dit wil sê u webwerf of 'n bron wat in u werk aangehaal word) U e-boek word by u e-pos gestuur as 'n https-webadres waaruit u kan aflaai, of gebruik die veilige skakel om u boek aan u kliënte te stuur sodat hulle dit self kan aflaai (u besluit)
'N Boek wat gereed is vir druk op aanvraag , word na u gestuur as 'n wolk-beveiligde aanlyn pdf-lêer om na u KDP-rekening vir Amazon op te laai verkope. (Ons bied tans nie hulp met die indiening van Print on Demand Books nie)
Ons kan u e-boek indien by 'n wêreldleidende uitgewer wat dit op Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, Lightsource en meer sal plaas (maandelikse fooie geld-afgetrek van verkope)
Ons besef dat sulke besluite uiters moeilik kan wees, en ons het probeer om die proses te vereenvoudig. Ons stel voor dat u na die boeke in ons skyfievertoning kyk deur op die skakels te klik. Miskien kan u selfs 'n paar gratis aflaai. Stel u dan voor hoe u boek sou lyk met behulp van sommige van die kleurskemas.
Elkeen van die voorbeelde in die skyfievertoning, bo -aan die bladsy, is 'n spesialiteitsboek wat persoonlike insluit sommige van die opskrifte en voetskrifte van elke bladsy inkleur, sommige het foto's in die teks geplaas om 'n 'blog-agtige' gevoel te behou wat die aandag van 'n leser kan behou en by die materiaal betrokke raak. Met die tienduisende opsies wat ons in lettertipes het (u het 'n paar op hierdie bladsy gesien en meer is in die voorbeeldboeke in die skyfievertoning), plus die toevoeging van foto's, hiperskakels, verwysing na bronne, ens. om 'n paar eenvoudige keuses te maak om die proses vir u te begin.
Nadat u die voorbeelde van die skyfievertoning (bo-aan hierdie bladsy) nagegaan het, sien u die voorbeelde hieronder in die 6 opsionele pakkette, lees elke pakketbeskrywing en besluit of u byvoegings vir u e-boekprojek wil hê.
Stuur vir ons die onderstaande kontakmodule:
U konsep/idee (hoe u u klaargemaakte e-boek voorstel);
Die pakketvlak waarin u belangstel (van onder);
'N Voorgestelde kleurtema, as u hierdie opsie kies of 'n pakket wat dit insluit (ons pas dit so goed as moontlik by een van die vooraf ingestelde kleurskemas in ons stelsel);
As u wil hê dat ons 'n 3D- of platboekomslag vir advertensiedoeleindes moet lewer (afslag as dit bestel word wanneer die aanvanklike bestelling geplaas word);
'N idee van wat u wil hê vir u omslagontwerp (dws voorraadfoto's en standaard lettertipes, 'n foto met oorlaag of heeltemal aangepas);
Is Time Running Out for the Church - is 'n standaardfoto en standaard lettertipe
The Two Faces of the Church - is 'n pasgemaakte foto met 'n standaard lettertipe
Teologie heroorweeg - is 'n heeltemal pasgemaakte omslagontwerp
Voorbeelde van 3D- en Flat Covers is boaan die skyfievertoning - albei kan hoë resolusies (tot 'n mate) vergroot of kleiner gemaak word met 'n minimale verlies aan resolusie. U kan voorbeelde in u boodskap aan ons hieronder aanvra.
Ons sal 'n aangepaste kwotasie (nie 'n skatting nie) binne terugstuur 5 Besigheidsdae. Dit sal 15 kalenderdae goed bly voordat dit herevalueer moet word. Wees dus seker van u keuses voordat u u versoek om 'n kwotasie hieronder indien.
As u wil weet hoe ons boeke in Kindle lyk u kan dit aflaai en die instellings verander om dit met 'n Kindle -app oop te maak, of dit net af te laai na 'n Kindle -toestel. As u aanwysings nodig het om die instellings te verander om ons e-boeke in 'n Kindle-app oop te maak, gaan asseblief na ons boekwinkel (<<< skakel), aanwysings is bo -aan die bladsy.
Vergelyk ons e-boeke in 'n Kindle-app of op 'n Kindle-toestel met enige e-boek van Amazon , en vertel ons eerlik wat meer opvallend is en aangenamer sal wees om te lees ...
FREE with Every Package Ordered
HI there! I'm Tim Hillis, co-founder of Remnant Nation. I am so grateful you've come to our site. Please prayerfully consider letting us help you get your message out. As a show of good faith, we'll include a secure online copy of your book as a digital Flip Book complete with the realistic sound of the pages turning. a value of $20.00
Beweeg jou wyser oor die foto om die huidige spesiale aanbiedinge te onthul. Klik net op mobiele toestelle.
Kies eers 'n ontwerp en opmaak Pakket. Besluit dan of u ons hulp wil publiseer. Voeg dan 'n paar besonderhede by (onderaan die bladsy) en stuur dit alles in 'n versoek om 'n kwotasie onderaan die bladsy
As u u versoek om 'n kwotasie indien, stuur ons u ons geheimsinnige verslag oor hoe u u eie boek kan publiseer - Soms heeltemal gratis. Ons Kindle-versoenbare e-boeke is so maklik om heeltemal self te publiseer, en u sal verbaas wees.
Daar is voordele vir Professional Publishing. Daar is ook 'n paar om heeltemal self gepubliseer te word. Ons uitgewer het toegang tot 'n wêreldwye gehoor. Maar met 'n bietjie navorsing deur gebruik te maak van ons lys van onbekende metodes om self te publiseer, kan u beter besluit wat die beste keuse vir u is. Een ding is seker hoe beter jou boeke lyk, hoe groter is die kans dat mense hul eerste koop en herhaal word kopers. Ons boeke staan kop en skouers bo die res uit. Hulle is visueel boeiend, en mense lees graag uit ons formate.
In this basic package, we will use any document you provide in pdf or Word format and build an E-Book up to 100 single column pages in size 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a single standardized page header (usually the name of the book) on each page and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to). It will include a color or black and white cover (your choice) consisting of a single photo and the interior colors will coincide with the color scheme of the cover photo. The title and author's name will be in standard Veranda, Times New Roman or another typewriter style font (we have thousands of custom fonts available).
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Choose a custom font for this package - Add $10.00
Custom covers are as follows
Stock Photo with a Stock Layover Photo (Like our Cover of "Guidelines for Apostles and Prophets" with "Moses" put into the streets of Italy - add $10.00
Custom Cover with a single photo you provide - add $10.00
Complete Custom Cover by our graphic artist - add $35.00
Custom Cover you provide (requires us to format for size to fit your book)- add $5.00
Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 1 Number to be taken to a possible example of the items included in this Level
In this package, we will use either a document you provide in pdf or Word format or up to 3 web sources (i.e. Blog Post, Facebook Page, etc) and build an E-Book up to 150 single column pages in size using 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a clickable Table of Contents, a custom page header (usually the name of each chapter) on each page, and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to), and page numbers. It will include a color or black and white cover (your choice) consisting of a single photo and the interior colors will coincide with the color scheme of the cover photo. The title and author's name will be in standard Veranda, Times New Roman or another typewriter style font (we have thousands of custom fonts available). Your first 5 photos are added at no charge, as are the first 5 hyperlinked online sources (you will have to provide the website addresses)
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Choose a custom font for this package - Add $10.00
Custom covers are as follows
Stock Photo with a Stock Layover Photo (Like our Cover of Apostles and Prophets with "Moses" put into the streets of Italy - add $10.00
Custom Cover with a single photo you provide - add $10.00
Complete Custom Cover by our graphic artist - add $35.00
Custom Cover you provide - add $5.00
Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10
Pages over 150 (not including the cover or title page) - add $10.00 per 20 pages
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 2 Number to be taken to an example of the items included in this Level
In this package, we will use either a document you provide in pdf or Word format or up to 5 web sources (i.e. Blog Posts, Facebook Page, non-copyrighted article you've written for an online source) and build an E-Book up to 200 single column pages in size using 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a clickable Table of Contents, a custom page header (usually the name of each chapter) on each page, and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to), and page numbers. It will include a color or black and white cover (your choice) consisting of a single photo with an optional overlaid photo (see the cover with Moses placed into the streets of Italy for "Guidelines for Pastors and Prophets"). The interior colors will coincide with the color scheme of the cover photo. The title and author's name will be in standard Veranda, Times New Roman or another typewriter style font (we have thousands of custom fonts available). Your first 10 photos or graphics are added at no charge (you must provide them), as are the first 10 hyperlinked online sources (you will have to provide the website addresses).
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Additional Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Choose a custom font for this package - Add $10.00
Custom covers are as follows
Custom Cover with a single photo you provide - add $10.00
Complete Custom Cover by our graphic artist - add $35.00
Custom Cover you provide - add $5.00
Additional Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10 after the first 10
Pages over 200 (not including the cover or title page) - add $10.00 per 20 pages
Additional source pages for content from the internet - add $5.00 per source
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 3 Number to be taken to an example of the items included in this Level
In this package, we will use either a document you provide in pdf or Word format or up to 5 web sources (i.e. Blog Posts, Facebook Page, non-copyrighted article you've written for an online source) and build an E-Book of up to 225 single column or 150 two-column pages (equivalent of nearly 300 single column pages) using 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a clickable Table of Contents, a custom page header (the name of each chapter) on each page, and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to), and page numbers. It will include a color or black and white cover (your choice) consisting of a single photo with an optional overlaid photo (see the cover with Moses placed into the streets of Italy for "Guidelines for Pastors and Prophets"), a custom photo you provide, or a completely custom cover provided by you.. The interior colors will coincide with the color scheme of the cover. Choose a custom font for the title and author's name. Your first 10 photos or graphics are added at no charge (you must provide them), as are the first 15 hyperlinked online sources (you will have to provide the website addresses).
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Additional Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Choose a custom font for this package - Add $10.00
Custom covers are as follows
Complete Custom Cover by our graphic artist - add $35.00
Custom Cover you provide - add $5.00
Additional Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10 after the first 15
Pages over 250 single column or 150 two column (not including the cover or title page) - add $10.00 per 20 pages
Additional sources for book content from the internet - add $5.00 per source
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 4 Number to be taken to an example of the items included in this Level
In this package, we will use either a document you provide in pdf or Word format or up to 5 web sources (i.e. Blog Posts, Facebook Page, non-copyrighted article you've written for an online source) and build an E-Book of up to 250 single column or 200 two-column pages (equivalent of nearly 400 single column pages) using 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a clickable Table of Contents, a custom page header (the name of each chapter) on each page, and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to), and page numbers. It will include any cover option you select except a complete custom cover by our graphic artist. You choose the interior color scheme and we will do our best to match your request. Choose a custom font for the title and author's name, and the interior content (chapter headings, book content, footers, etc). Your first 15 photos or graphics are added at no charge (you must provide them), as are the first 20 hyperlinked online sources (you will have to provide the website addresses).
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Additional Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Custom covers are as follows
Complete Custom Cover by our graphic artist - add $35.00
Additional Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10 after the first 20
Pages over 250 single column or 200 two column (not including the cover or title page) - add $10.00 per 20 pages
Additional sources for book content from the internet - add $5.00 per source
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 5 Number to be taken to an example of the items included in this Level
In this package, we will use either a document you provide in pdf or Word format or up to 5 web sources (i.e. Blog Posts, Facebook Page, non-copyrighted article you've written for an online source) and build an E-Book of up to 300 single column or 250 two-column pages (equivalent of nearly 500 single column pages) using 20px font so that it will be legible on any device. We will add a clickable Table of Contents, a custom page header (the name of each chapter) on each page, and a single recurring hyperlinked footer (you decide what it says and what it links to), and page numbers. It will include any cover option you select except a complete custom cover by our graphic artist. You choose the interior color scheme and we will do our best to match your request. Choose a custom font for the title and author's name, and the interior content (chapter headings, book content, footers, etc). Your first 20 photos or graphics are added at no charge (you must provide them), as are the first 30 hyperlinked online sources (you will have to provide the website addresses). Lastly, this package will include a custom cover designed by our graphic artist, and a print-formatted copy ready for submission to your Creatspace account on Amazon.
These additional items can be added to this package at the following rates:
Additional Photos (you provide them and tell us where in the book you would like them placed) - add $10.00 for each 5
Additional Hyperlinks to online sources - add $5.00 per 10 after the first 30
Pages over 300 single column or 250 two column (not including the cover or title page) - add $10.00 per 20 pages
Additional sources for book content from the internet - add $5.00 per source
We do not assign ISBN numbers, but if you choose to have us assist with formal publishing, it will be assigned as part of that add-on package.
**Click the Title of this package or the Level 6 Number to be taken to an example of the items included in this Level
Wil u 'n bekostigbare, professionele gedrukte boekuitgewerspakket byvoeg?
Ons werk saam met 'n toonaangewende uitgewer wat u nuwe e-boek en gedrukte boek ook by elke groot aanlyn boekwinkel ter wêreld sal indien. Ons sal graag u verbinding wees om u nuwe boek oor die hele wêreld te bemark. Publiseringspakkette word individueel aangehaal, gebaseer op die besonderhede wat u verskaf wanneer u u kwotasie aanvra.
As u 'n versoek vir 'n kwotasie vir professionele persone byvoeg Publikasie
Kies 'n formateringspakket hierbo en ...
Voeg die volgende by spesifieke inligting oor u versoek om 'n kwotasie ::
Jou doelmark (iets spesifiek soos - "Ouderdom 25-35 vroue in die jeug Ministerie ")
Hoe vinnig wil u hê dat u boek-e-boek bemark moet word
Watter aanlyn boekwinkels wil u u boek verkoop?
U behou alle outeursregte, sodat u u e-boek op enige ander plek kan verkoop. Omskakeling van u boek in die nodige formate vir die verskillende platforms wat deur aanlyn boekwinkels aanvaar word, is gratis ingesluit. 'N Persverklaring sal binne 90 dae na die voltooiing van u nuwe boek uitgereik word en die verspreiding daarvan aan aanlynverkopers E-boeke.