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Inskrywing Vir
Restant Nation Universiteit
  is NOU oop .
ONS AANVAAR TANS OP INSKRYWING VAN ONS Geassosieerde Graadprogram In Eerste Eeu Teologie en Leer

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Questions? Book an Admissions Call Today.

Om in te skryf, benodig u toestemming om toegang tot die nodige bladsye te verkry.


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As jy reeds een het -  Teken in Voordat u 'n inskrywingsplan kies

As u wil inskryf vir ons tweejarige baccalaureusprogram nadat u 'n geassosieerde graad aan 'n ander instelling behaal het, moet u twee voorvereistes voltooi

  1. Gebruik ons e -posmodule Kontak ons om u transkripsie (s) vir hersiening te stuur.

  2. Gebruik die onderstaande knoppie om 'n kort ingangseksamen af te lê om te verseker dat u die nodige benodig het om suksesvol te wees in die tweejarige baccalaureusprogram.



Scholarship Application Link

We have added Affirm as a payment option for Interest-Free Enrollment and Tuition Financing. The in-house monthly payment options have been phased out.


Please see the Current and New Tuition Rates below. Changes Effective 01/06/2024.

Enroll Now to save $$.

You will be able to combine Scholarships with Affirm purchases to get a reduced tuition..

Enroll Here

  • Old Testament Survey

    Single Course Only - 3 Credits Upon Successful Completion
    Valid for 3 months
    • Understanding the general intent of each book of Tanakh
    • How Tanakh fits into the overall Scriptural narrative
    • Discover Messiah in the "Old Testament"
    • Understand the need for Torah
    • Get a solid foundation in Torah
    • Understand why Torah's Instruction is Vital Today
    • more...
  • Public Speaking

    Learn the following:
    Valid for 3 months
    • To prepare & deliver public addresses as:
    • - Lectures and
    • - Sermons
    • To reach all primary learning styles w/ your public speaking
    • To develop lesson plans, sermon notes, and keynote addresses
    • About the 8 forms of public address
    • ...more
  • Praying Effectively Webinar

    Valid for 3 months
    • The Writing of God

      +USD 75 Exam and Recording Fees
      You will have 4 months to complete the course and take the final exam to receive credit.
      Valid for 4 months
      • Associate Degree Semester 1

        1 875USD
        +USD 50 Enrollment and Account Maintenance Fees
        This is ONLY for Semester 1 of the Associate Degree you will need to enroll for each separately
        Valid for 4 months
        • Associate Degree Semester 2

          1 875USD
          +USD 50 Enrollment and Account Maintenance Fees
          This is ONLY for Semester 2 of the Associate Degree you will need to enroll for each separately
          Valid for 4 months
          • Associate Degree Semester 3

            1 875USD
            +USD 50 Enrollment and Account Maintenance Fees
            This is ONLY for Semester 3 of the Associate Degree you will need to enroll for each separately
            Valid for 4 months
            • Associate Degree Semester 4

              1 875USD
              +USD 50 Enrollment and Account Maintenance Fees
              This is ONLY for Semester 4 of the Associate Degree you will need to enroll for each separately
              Valid for 4 months

              Cancellation Policy: If cancellation is requested within 10 Days of Enrollment, a 100% refund (minus $75 processing fee) will be awarded. From 11 days to 45 days a commensurate refund will be determined at 5% per day after the removal of the $75 processing fee. Day 46+ and beyond, no refund will be awarded. Financing through 3rd Partries are not eligible for a Refund, be certain before Enrolling with 3rd Party Financing.

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              Oorblyfsel  Nation Universiteit | Oorblywende Nation Press 

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